AHHS Scholarships are local - meaning they are for Arlington Heights High School students only. Therefore, unlike district, state or nationwide scholarships, students are not competing against thousands of other applicants. This increases the chances of winning!
Sherwood Scholars - Full tuition scholarship for a first generation AHHS student who will attend Texas Tech University. Deadline of March 1st, 2024. Apply online here - https://sherwoodscholars.org/
Josh Harbuck Scholarship - A $5,000 scholarship to the school of your choice for an AHHS athlete. You can find the application here or pick up an application in the counseling office. Due by March 6th, 2024. Turn application into the counseling office.
Marie A. Moore Memorial Scholarship - TWO $5,000 scholarships to the school of your choice - EASY APPLICATION! - You can print the form here or pick up an application from the counseling office. Due by March 31st, 2024. Turn application in to the Counseling Office.
Judy Needham Honorary Scholarship - $3K Scholarship from AHHS All-Sports Booster Club in honor of Judy Needham. Applicant is scored based on academics, character, sports & extra curricular activities and need. Due by March 22, 2024. Click here for application or pick up in counseling office.